Thursday, November 30, 2017

Week After the Test: The Walk to Bitan and School Library Work

Greetings, Tim!
It has been a while, and as usual, midterms can be really depressing. It is Wednesday now, and I certainly hope that I would be able to finish this letter by today, but I don't think it would be likely of happening since there are still so much for me to write down.
The weather these days has maintained the same typically unusual patterns.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Week Before the Test: A very French Brunch and a Photo Exhibiton

Seasons greeting, Tim!

I have first say that we don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, but I would never turn down a chance to enjoy a nice Thanksgiving feast. However, it just never occurs to my parents that we should buy a turkey or something from markets or other places... Too bad :(
Now, I want to appreciate the fascinating nature. Here in Taiwan, you can see that the temperature was practically zigzagging its way from cold to hot in a day throughout the week. I have trouble keeping my jackets on but it would be too chilly to take it off. Thanks, Weather.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Letter X: School Annual Events and School Fair

What a season of festivities!

Hello, Tim! Seems like we can never enjoy a week with much tranquility around here, in EHP. This week is the event of the school's fair and tournaments, and whichever part you took in either of the events, you would feel inexplicably drained and fatigued.
Note that in this week, though I am still not sure yet, I am afraid I won't be writing much, for all the imminent assignments preparation I have to finish in the weekend.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Letter IX: Picnic Afternoon with Bubbles and the Dubbing Contest

Wow, that was an eventful week. I mean, more eventful than the usual ones.
The temperature is dipping down, and I still am looking forward to the day when I can put on my complete set of knitted winter gears.
Halloween has gone behind, and the Thanksgiving is next, but my eyes are now on the festivity-overload of the year- Christmas. Maybe I'll write something about it later.

Friday, November 3, 2017