Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Letter IX: Picnic Afternoon with Bubbles and the Dubbing Contest

Wow, that was an eventful week. I mean, more eventful than the usual ones.
The temperature is dipping down, and I still am looking forward to the day when I can put on my complete set of knitted winter gears.
Halloween has gone behind, and the Thanksgiving is next, but my eyes are now on the festivity-overload of the year- Christmas. Maybe I'll write something about it later.

No Book Appreciation for This Week

I wanted to write about my progress on my recent book The Snowman, but the thing is that I accidentally left my book in my German class last Saturday. In the past, when things like this happen, I would just pick up another book on my shelf while waiting for the next time when I can put my hands on it again. However, I have promised myself to be more consistent and to pick up another book only when I have finished the first one. That left me with an utterly conflicting and reading-less week.

Dubbing Contest

I think you have already heard of this already, Tim, from the letters in the previous weeks, that we have been preparing for the dubbing contest. On Friday, all of our classmates awaited at the school gate, for the bus that would come and pick us up. Because of us, the eight-people participants, we didn't have to attend the school that day. A whole day off! 
Although, for us, the ones who were supposed to go on stage and perform, it was more nerve-wracking than relaxing, for we are so not ready.
It was an amazement, how some students we saw can mimic the accents of the characters and at the same time maintain the same rhythm of the speaking movements of the silenced video clip. I was really stressed, now looking in retrospect.
At last, it's our turn, Cathy, Doris, Patrick and I ended up with the third place as a team, while Doris and I got the first few of the individuals!
Last minute preparation

Third Place :D

Group shot- Seems like we were the only ones that went as a whole class.

It was a lot better the result that I initially thought we would have had, I have to say, considering the little amount of time we spent on it.
In addition, William's team (with Allison, Jack, and Sabrina) also got a certificate for being outstanding.
Everything seemed nice, but as usual, on the happy moments, you have to know that you are on the verge of some sharp turns.

Lunch group, me perspective

I think I may have left my jacket in the auditorium at the location of the competition. It was a dark green-blue jacket with white and dark blots all across; it was a jacket I like a lot. I tried calling, e-mailing throughout the weekend, but no response came. Tomorrow would be Monday, and I would try calling the school once more.

Questions Answering- Part One

1. Normally, trick or treating starts at around six thirty in the afternoon since four o'clock was the time when children's school ends and they would need time to dress up and have dinner. There were about 150 - 200 little trick or treaters, and I have to say that it was a lot!

2. The dogs on Halloween, as Mr. Maher described, was that as if they are throwing a celebration of their own. With the noise that sounded like a hundred dogs in the whole community. It was like a never-ending chain reaction. A very loud one.

3. Cacti Halloween costumes! Probably only in Arizona! Very adorable! A must-see!

4. (Hey it is about me) So the kind of costume I had, was apparently very different from the other Teletubbies. Mine had a larger head, two extra eyes, and also a very old television (cloth) on my tummy. And also it looks like a frog, and I co-acted in Sabrina's small presentation by being, basically, a frog.

5. Maybe Ms. Lin put some pills that induce serenity and tranquility to help her deal with the day of horrid dressing.

After the Contest, the Picnic (with Bubbles!)

This picnic was planned somewhat for a month, but only to find that six people came. We all took the MRT to the rendezvous. There were Angela, Sherry, Jay, Doris, and Jack. We all brought different snacks, to share and to enjoy. It was a windy day, without both the sun and rain. We had a hard time dealing with the picnicking sheets, with their being blown up continuously by the wind.
Just before I left home, I was busy making snacks for six. I had foredecided to make chocolate and banana sandwiches. To make sandwiches, you have to first remove the brown crusty sides of the toast, and in the middle of slicing up the bananas, I found what I could do with the cut of sides. I put them in the oven while melting down some cheese, preparing to dip the sides (how exactly are they called? The cut-off sides of the toast) in some fancy cheese dressing. Both of the snacks were like by my classmates. I was enlightened because I think they do not have nice appearances. It was just my first time making snacks, much less for the others.
 (The physical features of the snacks didn't look good, so I didn't take any pictures:D)
The place we had our picnic was a wide turf, with healthy growing grass flourishing, bringing coolness and blades of tranquility to the whole afternoon.


Of course, there was not only us who would like to wallow in this breezy laziness. There were people with their kids, their pets, their parents, lovers, friends sitting and laughing on this large piece of land. Therapeutic, I would say. There were tons of people, but it wasn't crowded. We were doing a great job relaxing, chatting, and eating until I saw a bubble vendor. Yes, there were already tons of bubbles floating. Big but randomly shaped or small but traveling like schools of fish, both of which chased and screamed at by the kids running around.
Bubbles have never been anything but my childhood happiness. There is no way you can say the word "bubbles" in an angry tone.
Being unable to reign in my impulse for bubbles, I rushed over to the vendor and bought one bubble-blowing toy shaped like a sword.
And it flung into a bubble frenzy!
The wind was rather big at the moment, so it takes little effort to blow up giant bubbles. Kids scattered around the fields saw them, and they came swarming around like bees around their hive. They stood, with hands in a readying position, face gleaming with childish smiles. The wind came, forcing wind into the thin foil of bubble water, gusting air inside and forming bubbles. The kids we know nothing about sprang into action, popping them before they had the chance to soar into the freedom of the sky. Like that, we -Angela, Doris, and I- "entertained" numerous kids for thirty minutes. Pictures below:


Angela the bubble artist

Parents filmed their children popping the bubbles we blew; we were happy to oblige

I have always loved EHP, for they have given me a whole new definition of being friends. Back in middle school, which is located on a mountain, an isolated location, we had little freedom. We don't hang out with each other on the weekends, and I wasn't enthusiastic to do so, either. Only a few really nice friends and I couldn't have asked for better. I was more a sulking type back then, said by my mother. She was happy that things had started to change when I entered high school. I am thankful for all my fellow classmates, either from 120 or 220. They taught me to enjoy a nice afternoon without considering much, and it was, indeed, a brand new experience. It was almost magical.

Questions Answering- Part Two

6. Tinga is a kind of dish consisted of chicken, tomato sauce, peppers, and spices. If I were Rachell, I would not complain at all, for the little in celebration we have for Halloween. We don't hold parties, we don't prepare candy at wait by the doors because we live in apartments. Mom does cook nice food, but there was there a "Halloween Special". Actually, I am kind of jealous.

7. It wasn't really mentioned in the article, was it? Of what people do on the graves on Dia de Los Muertos, but from the letter last week, I would say that there are decorating and joyful celebrations.

8. "Bone fair" is a small carnival outside the cemetery, with food and parades. Imalda called it that because it was originally called the "Fiesta de Los Huesos" "Party of the Bones" which means bone fair.

9. Walnut is a kind of nut that.... I mean, in Spanish, it was "Nogales", a place in Mexico. Normally, you do not translate the names of places with another language origin like in this case.

10. Houston Astros won the World Series! Congrats!!!!!

Christmas is Coming!!! In Two Months

As what I had stated, last year, I never know what it is about Christmas that gives me so much imagination. Granted, I had some Christmas celebration before, but that was a decade ago! But just by closing my eyes, mentally playing some soft Christmas music, I felt as if I had ordered a large-sized Christmas Festival Spirits from abroad. I hoped that at least in our class, we can hold a nice celebration of Christmas.


  1. e Hugo,
    I have learned to save you letter until the last, that is, until I have responded to everyone else. Your letters are just longer and more complicated.
    Cherish these days! It would be difficult to find a nicer group of people than you classmate in 220. It seems as though everyone gets along very well, and that there is a lot if "mixing and matching" in the after-school social activities. These ARE your "good old days" that you will ling remember.
    Congratulations to both groups in the "dubbing" contest. Summer sent me You Tube videos, so that i could see what was going on. Was it Jack who did the film editing for "300", to make it look like a Montie Python or Mel Brooks movie? And was that Sabrina singing? Where did such a tiny little girl get a voice like that?
    The bubbles in the park, with all of the little kids chasing them, had to be the perfect ending to a perfect day. Angela is the talented one with the bubble maker. The girl just keep pulling out one surprise aften another.
    I like the way that you answer the questions. They are in complete sentences, they are correct answers, but you do manage to put your own little "spin" on the way you write the answers. Good!

    Keep up the good work!


    1. Hello, Tim! Thank you for the reply!
      To the answer of your question on the dubbing contest, yes, they used both of the movies that you mentioned, but I wasn't sure if it was Jack or William who did the editing, and also it was Allison instead of Sabrina did the singing, but yes, they were all awesome!
      Thank you for your compliments on my questions answering sections. I will try to keep it up, for it certainly takes some time to work up all the answers!
