Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Write for Rights 2017 Postcards and Activities

These are the cases and the postcards I have written for. There are unfair things happening all around the world every second. We should care for not just ourselves nor merely the people around us; extend your sight to places that are farther.

Case Skris Kupila from Finland on transgender rights

Case Shakelia Jackson from Jamaica on police abuse

Case Ni Yulan from China on living rights

Case Clovis Rzafimalala from Madagascar on forest protection

I don't think of this as a class assignment. Given the chances, I would actively do so as well. For me, this is one of the reasons for why we learn English, in addition to reading and knowing amazing novels. To help the world, of course! No matter how small our powers are; See, we only have eighteen people in our class, but as each of us writes five postcards... Eighteen times five is 90. We devoted ninety of our hopes and demands all around the world... One day we would find ourselves actually receiving the rewards of this help- hearing from the ones who once got our words or sentences. It is an event with an amazingly positive cause; so why not?

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