Monday, February 26, 2018

Winter Break End: Some Last Minute Relaxing and the Start of School

Hello Tim,
As the title indicated, this is the end of this amazing vacation of a month.
This is one of the few long breaks when I can actually do things I had daydreamed about during school.
The weather these days have been mild, and considerably and comparably warmer. There were occasional rains, but none were really pouring.

EP Books: A Place for Peace and Reading

This Monday, my mom and I went out to a place that is quite special. She told me that there is a place for reading, and with simply a one-hundred dollar bill per person, you can stay there and enjoy all the free drinks like coffee and tea for as long as you desire. The place was called EP Books, but as we got there, we realized that no books there were for sale; all the books they held (as what I saw, most of them were the incredible super editions that must cost a fortune to acquire) we solely for the readers inside. Take all the books you want to read and no extra fees will be charged. Another heart-warming feat is that although there are no actual regulations on what you should or shouldn't do, they don't provide wifi connection or sockets for your electronic devices. It is a nice idea since they are actually trying to get people off their phones and read for the purpose of relaxing.

My instincts were telling me to whip out my Harry Potter and just promptly diving into the world of reading. Instead, I did what I had to: I took out my laptop and the book Maurice. I started rushing my book report, which was due this Saturday. I had nothing written on the self-reflection part, and I found it excruciatingly hard to have simultaneously the structure and the formation of sentences in my brain. That was never a habit of mine, putting down an outline before starting an article. However, I've always managed to somehow push my reports like this to my own satisfaction, so I knew I had to do it again. I left my laptop on the desk and picked up Maurice for the numerous time that day. I re-read the parts that had impressed me; I read the part where the author made some explanation to his work. I went back to my computer and then started writing the paragraphs. This time, I decide to first put down all my thoughts and form them into words and sentences into the computer; with the convenience of computers, I knew I would be able to rearrange the orders of the words to my liking.
Three hours, three cups of coffee and a cup of smoothie later, I finally have the whole report finished, and I was surprised that in a space like this, I was really able to focus rather than the usual stalling I do at home. It had a wide space with enough lighting, and I believe that simply being surrounded by books was helpful for keeping me from fidgeting.
My mom said that she preferred staying at home, though, for she would have more freedom at home without the need to think whether there is someone who would notice. For me it's different. I like the quiet atmosphere and surrounded by people who are with books. I had music so it wouldn't be deafeningly quiet, unlike most libraries. I would certainly go there more often when I need to study.

School Starts

Alas, all the wondrous events must come to an end, and for students, that means the back to school day. I sulked myself to the path to school, with the same usual suitcase that held my books. The sky was rather grey, a color that reflects our mood. Glad that it wasn't raining, or it would be a horrible day for the first day of school.
Fortunately, there wasn't much work to do, except for the school opening ceremony (that came with a (monotonous) speech from the principal) and a whole set of school cleaning duty that took two periods away.
Our seniors are waiting for the results of the college admission examination, which was later released two days after the opening ceremony.
Next year would be our turn. Yay.
Anyway, it was the first day school, and we had already continued with the biggest project of the year: The annual performance.
It would be on the 31st of May, and we are quite behind the schedule.

No Book Appreciation Section This Week: The Brisk End

I am tired, for I was tangled in the events of school and also was I still attend the second last French class of the year (that means another story for next week) and I have another month or two of German class. Those events caused my almost zero progress in reading my Harry Potter. Next week will be different. I promise.

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