Sunday, March 1, 2020

CH2. Life in Germany 4 & 5: Misplaced and a Short One

Hello, Tim!
This week was ... a blur.
A blur not because it was busy. The workload was just about the same, but things happened and ended before anyone can register whatever really was happening at the moment. At least, for me it was so.
There was a big windstorm at the beginning of the week, and  even though it was not a week of cold weather, the wind was indeed quite strong for thinner people to walk around without feeling the invisible currents pulling and tugging at them.
I planned to finish reading Emily Hauser's For the Immortal by the end of the weekend, but so far -much to my dismay- I am only halfway through.

Tuesday Recount - Jogging, Ikea, Hot Pot

Still, there are some memorable days here and there.
On Tuesday, my alarm clock set off at 6:40, I squeezed the power button of my phone, snoozing it. Rubbing my eyes, I rolled down my bed, feet landing first (speaking of, I never thought about this, but I don't think I normally sit up on the spot from where I was sleeping). There isn't much time left, I told myself. It was a free day, but there are multiple plans ahead.
At seven straight, I came into the kitchen to find Johannes there already.
He was in his jogging outfit, and after a tea, we headed for the elevator. This was the activity we briskly arrange for the very morning: jogging. It was not me who thought about doing so initially, though. It sounded... different, which was why I wanted to follow suit. However, knowing that my energy level would not likely enable me to catch up with Johannes, we went our separate ways. 
The morning was colder indeed, and I as well as my nose ran, but it was refreshing indeed.
After the jog, I splayed right there on my bed for a bit longer and decided that it was time to go for some grocery shopping. I grabbed my shopping bag and headed out into the wind that was accompanied by the sun. I got a bit bored, so I scrolled through my contact list, and called, out of the blue, Allison. She seemed a bit surprised that I called (this was basically the first time I called her since I arrived in Germany) but we talked about school, about life, and so on. Now that I am writing this down, I found out that I was mostly talking about myself, and it made me feel a bit guilty about being too self-centered. I should have noted that it was not only me that is living life. It was not an easy feat, to focus on both the other person on the phone and the shopping list you have in mind. Barely reaching the campus (with what felt like two boulders on my shoulders) I got a text from my classmate Emily, asking whether I was still interested in going to Ikea after the plan of heading over on the previous day was literally blown by the strong winds. I dropped my stuff and hopped back into the elevator door that was still open, and off I went. Again.
I had the revelation as I hauled myself into Emily's car, that it was the first time I had ever taken the cockpit in Germany.
Ikea is really a place you should go to if you need a place to lose your head in. It's a container of different roads to a collective dream house, and you might just hope that, by taking them little by little back home, you will be a step -however small it might be- closer to your desired lifestyle. I got a cylinder pillow for cuddling, several small items like a towel, a coffee jar and so on.
Coming back, I thanked Emily for taking me along, ready to make the hot pot that I had promised Jackey. But a proverbial fist hit me and brought me outside again for the sparkling water I almost had forgotten to buy. Anyway, this was my very eventful day.


I don't know about my readers, but this letter sounds lifeless to me. I didn't know why exactly this turned out to be so, but I certainly hope that there can be a change in the following letters.

p.s. Somehow, this letter was not upload successfully. It will be joined with a short letter of the week.


Hello, Tim, again!
This week that passed was both mind-consuming and quite ... directionless.
Although this isn't the first time this void of navigation that happened

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