Thursday, January 18, 2018

After the Finals: Still yet Another Short Letter and the Guilt of Doing so

Hello, Tim!
These days has been quite humid, with some consistent rains and low temperature. I have yet gotten rid of my cold yet, which can be inferred from my nasal voice and continual sniffing, but it sure has gotten better.
The test is just around the corner, and believe me, I would choose writing this blog rather than study those obnoxiously stubborn subjects like earth sciences or chemistry.
Turned out that I couldn't even manage to finish the blog post of last week. The finals were finally over today, on January 18th. We have a few days of school left, and it would be our spring break.
Due to all the inconvenience of last week, I have decided to put together a letter of two weeks, though I doubt if it would be lengthy; still drained from the finals I just had this morning.

What I Hold Against Buying New Clothes

So from the letter of last week, I said that I will explain the thing about my aunt and my mother bringing me to buy new clothes. As everyone knows, I am a bookaholic, a person who spends all my money on books, and solely books. I have absolutely no interest in brands or shoes or jeans. I normally do not care whether what I wear is fashionable or utterly absurd (most of the time, it is more like the latter, I believe) Yes, in particular occasions, I would still try to spend time dressing myself up (though I essentially fail all the time)
Two weeks ago in the weekend, which is the day of the last day of 2017, Mom, Dad, my Aunt dragged me to the mall for some clothes and jeans. 
For most of the time, I enjoy my time with my family immensely. But it certainly wasn't the time when I was trying to convince my aunt that I only need one pair of jeans instead of two.
They made me try out three of the jeans in the store as none of which satisfied them; We then moved on to the next store and tried out several more. Through the whole thing, I was trying to stay upbeat and willing to try on anything, for I knew it was not like they were buying poison for me, and that it would be impolite to act revoltingly.
But I almost couldn't hide my disgruntlement when they asked me to choose one out of three pairs of jeans. They said that I had to have my own opinion so that I couldn't just shrug it off and say the usual "They all look nice so it doesn't matter which one I take" line.
They told me to choose, and I did! But then, my father said, "But I think the other one looks better"
And then my mother chimed into the chorus and said that she thought so as well. "Trust me, this one looks better."
What I didn't understand was that, WHY give me a choice when you can so easily brush it off?
If my own opinion was what matters, couldn't they just nod their heads and pay for the pair of jeans I chose?
That was when my aunt made another decision to buy me TWO pairs of jeans AND an extra shirt!
I started to protest, for I had seen the price tag when I was in the fitting room, and it wasn't a pretty price. However, my dad said, "Then so be it!"
I was quite upset when he said that, for the one paying for my clothes was my aunt and wasn't him, and it was really frustrating because I knew that my aunt would still happily oblige, for she has always endorsed the idea of getting me new clothes.
This is not the first time the act was pulled out; I have a feeling that it wouldn't be the last.

Starting Reading the Worldwide-adored Series- Harry Potter

What one couldn't expect to hear from a heavy reader like I am is this: "I have yet read the Harry Potter series".
I know that both Candy and Angela are diehard fans of these mystical wizards and wizardesses.
In the past, it was aired on the TV for countless times, but somehow, I forced myself to switch channels, for I had once learned a saying from the Percy Jackson series, "Do not judge a book by its movies." (Maybe I can write another story out of this. Some other day.)
I bought the first three installments when I was in England. Before that, though, I had never been quite serious about buying the series and reading them. I was in a bookstore (it was Blackwells if I recalled it correctly) and then a string of thoughts hit me, "England is basically the land of Harry Potter." Next second, I registered that I had three books of the series in my hands. 
Now, since it is the end of the tests, I figured I could start to really dive into one of the most renowned magical universes. I'll put in the details in the next "Book Appreciation Section".

Still yet another Short Letter

I have no idea why I have been so lazy these weeks....
I should have been more motivated in writing than ever, but..
Hope it gets better next week.


  1. Hugo,
    I've tried to type something here three different times. I've have a paragraph or two all typed, the something happens, and everything disappears. This time, I try several short responses, just to keep myself from going crazy and doing serious harm to my computer

  2. Hugo,
    Attempt #2. I know what you mean about buying clothes. With my total disregard for fashion, I buy clothing on a replacement cycle, to replace old clothing that has worn out, rather that as "new fashion". As my size doesn't change very much, I can wear the same shirts and pants for several years before the need replacing. Just ot keep myself from wearing the same thing every day, I have a shirt and pants for Monday, a different shirt and pants for Tuesdays, and so on for the rest of the week. Nobody seem to notice.

  3. Attempt #3: You're just getting around to reading the Harry Potter books? I thought that you would have read those sometime in junior high. Read each book before you watch the movie. That way, you can get some "compare and contrast" between the book and the movie.
    When you've finished the Harry Potter books, you may want to move up to "The Lord of the Rings" series.

  4. Hugo,
    I head that Amy was in the hospital for a few days. Do you know anything about that? Is she back to school now?


  5. Hello, Tim
    I have to first appreciate your attempts to put together a long comment, and it feels good to hear from you again! It is barely past noon in Taiwan now, and I'm having a cup of tea in a cafe and reading my book.
    Amy has become better these recent days, fortunately, for she could come to school and take the finals. In the past month, she had been visiting the hospital quite very often, and though only Angela and few other students expressed great concerns on their blogs, we all were worried about her. From what I heard from her is that she somehow got a problem with her immune system only last year, and it made her prone to even some small sickness.
    We all hope the best for her, and I'll send her your regards.
    Sincerely yours,
