Saturday, January 6, 2018

Letter XIV: Happy New Year and the Lazy Me within

Hello, Tim!
Here are the very belated New Year greeting and the very delayed letter.
The weather has been rather splendid, without much rain. However, somehow, I still managed to catch a cold.
I don't know! The sun was shining and I have a nose clogged with a bunch of bacteria.
I haven't gotten a fever since I was in the kindergarten, and that is a lucky thing, and nor do I often catch a cold, but when I do, it can be very frustrating, both for myself and the classmates, especially when I do the continual sneezing that can interrupt the whole class. That was purely obnoxious.

Family Get Together

On the last day of 2017 (hey it's 2018 now), my mom, my dad, and I went to my cousin's house for dinner, where a lot of relatives on my mother's side gather about for the 2018 countdown.
This would be a great time for me to show the pictures, but the thing is that we didn't take many photos, for we were too occupied dealing with the food.
Eliza didn't come, for she was out with her friends (and possibly her boyfriend she didn't tell me about). But her mom, which is my cousin, did come. She brought a well-packaged fois gras and a small glass jar of fig jam. These two combined made a luxurious and marvelous appetizer, one we seldom have.
My another cousin brought with her a gigantic crab for the whole family, and this picture was somehow taken when the other food and people were ignored. Maybe it was the most photo-worthy item the whole night:

I spent the rest of the time with two of my favorite nieces and nephews, who are the little host and hostess of the house, Sophie and Aiden, watching the movie Wonder Woman with them:

Yes, I forgot to mention, the house we went to was the one also in our community, and the kids are the ones that my mom takes care of. I know for a first-time reader, this is very confusing, but I am sure I put detailed explanations some letters ago, so I don't quite want to go through the whole thing once again. Please refer to the several previous letters for an explanation, people who read my blog for the first time.

I didn't know when it started when I began to feel numb as the countdown started. It doesn't feel like, after the ten counting seconds, a brand new world has begun, nor does it feel like 2018 has finally come. Still, I do it nonetheless, and it was still nice, as long as I'm spending it with the people I love.
This year, Taipei held one firework show along with a nice light show. The different thing is that, with the acknowledgment of the severe air pollution, the amount of firework has been deducted. In place was the light show projected on Taipei 101 as mentioned above. I didn't go there because it would be too crowded, and besides, I was with my family.

(note: I know that I am supposed to write a lot more, but I didn't know if it's the cold I caught or simply the lazy me within that made me want to make a pause until here. Next week, I would write about how I dislike going clothes shopping with my aunt/mom or anyone else, and we'll see if there will be anything else.)

I wish all the people a happy New Year of 2018, a year when happiness entails, a time when joy be knock on the door of the men and women.

Bonne année!
Gutes Neues Jahr!

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