Sunday, May 27, 2018

Happy Weekends 4: Performance Preparation and Rehearsal

Greetings, Tim!
We are in the final countdown of our final performance, and most of us have been working our heads off to push the process of our performance. Under the hot sun, there are tons of things that we are supposed to do, so many things that we even go to school at eight in the morning today (which is Saturday) and we will continue our rehearsal even tomorrow.
Thank you for your kind comments, Tim. I’ll try to keep up my work

Contents of the Week

- Saturday School Roaming- Sequel Four of Harry Potter: Barely Started- Prediction of Sunday- Questions Answering that shouldn’t Stop- End

Saturday School Roaming

It was a tiring day. Not only did we rehearse for various times on various scenes, we also had to carry all our props for the whole shows five stairs up, into the room of stage where we will be performing in in five days. Due to the plots of our script, an appearance of a second floor is needed onstage. We have come up with a variant choice of solutions, and the most plausible one seems to be renting a whole set of scaffolding to build up a makeshift second floor. That means possibly a total of nearly a ton weighing metal for the whole class to carry. Quite unfortunately, our school happened to be one with the largest senior high school campus site in Taiwan, which means it is no easy task bringing and carrying bars and bars of metal around in the campus. To add to the list of misfortunes, every piece of the scaffolding is terribly covered with a possible five-years-worth of dust and dirt, which means it would be our duty to wash the whole thing if we don’t want our clothes or pants dirtied when climbing up and down it.
The picture was taken when we were trying to put the scaffolding together a few days ago.

Even the rehearsing was not going as planned. We had practically no outside help like any of our seniors did since we don’t have a ‘junior class’ to ask help for since we are the last class of EHP. We still haven’t come to a conclusion in terms of our sound effects, and some teachers are sticking a finger or two too much into the pie, giving us opinions on how we should change some minor details to the scripts where no one in the audience would ever notice, regardless of how much we already are trying to juggle all the tasks in our hands at a time.
I know the teachers all mean well but telling ourselves in such unconvincing tone helped not with our fraying state of mind.
Yes, we are nervous, we are stressed, we can only hope for the best.
Bon chance à nous!

Sequel Four of Harry Potter: Barely Started

Yup, enough with the excuses; I have yet finished my book even after a week.
The fourth installment Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, winds up something around six hundred pages, and that is already quite a lot for someone who is preparing a massive event. And I just made it to the hundred and thirty page today! I know we should value the reading speed of a book by its pages, but sometimes I didn’t pick my book up because I was just too tired to read and take in words.

Prediction of Sunday

How it would be like tomorrow is not really hard to foresee.
Starting from Sunday, our rehearsals will be taking place in the actual auditorium, with many an English teacher as audience/extremely picky critics. From our assisting hosting last year, we saw how disheartening the ‘advice’ from the teachers may sound. I believe all of us are nervous at this point, for we haven’t prepared ourselves as in what kind of critical opinions we will have starting from tomorrow.

Questions Answering that shouldn’t Stop

1. Most of the Memorial statues look alike because they were manufactured at the same place, same state: Connecticut.
2. The Memorial Holiday, celebrated on the last Sunday of May, was originally called the Decoration Day, which literally means that you decorate the graves of the fallen soldiers, to commemorate. The day was celebrated in May mostly because that is the time of year when flowers are in full bloom. Flowers make ideal decorations.
3. According to the tradition, the end of Memorial Day implies the end of spring and the summer who is coming to take its stead.
4. A little like our Taiwanese Tomb Sweeping Day, people celebrate Memorial Day by visiting the graves of their deceased relatives who once served in the army or died in war. People decorate the graves with flowers and flags, etc.
5. Veterans Day is a memorial holiday alike to the Memorial Day, although the ones they visit are the veterans that are still living. It came from the original Armistice Day which was held on the same day, and was set to remember the great cost of the WW1.
6. The purpose of the school fair in KSSHS is to let the students know how hard it is to really be out there, at the counter, in the kitchen, in front of the store. By the way, if they don’t try, there is a chance they will spend the next month in class with no air conditioning, and that is going to be dreadful.
7. If there is money remaining in the class account, it is mutually understood that the money can be used on ordering some pizza and soda for a small class party.
8. If I am hungry? I am hungry! I want the fried Oreos from class 208. In our school fair a while ago, I try some of those when I was wandering and weaving between stalls. They were indeed delicious! They were cookies, I knew, but after they dipped it in the flour-milk mixture and into the frying pot, the taste you get actually resembled that of a chocolate brownie; it got a softer texture, and the flavor remained. Loved it!
9. As I said in answer 6, I think through this kind of school fair events, students get to see and try out in person how hard it can be, to be the serving one instead of the receiving side. It can be a very helpful experience.
10. There might be some problem for me to look for Kanshan Senior High School for me. I am not sure which school it is, and maybe the official spelling of the school is different from what Mr. Maher wrote. Typing in the abbreviations didn’t help, either. Sorry : )


Hey, Tim, I have to go now. Some sudden work came up, and it is our performance-related.
See you next week, Tim. By then we will be able to tell you the result of our performance.
I just realized that I forgot to talk about the awarding ceremony of the German reciting competition that took place this week, but sorry for having to skip this part for the week.

Yours sincerely,


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