Monday, April 8, 2019

Year Three, Almost Free 29: Letter of Motivation and My First Set of Professional Attire

Hello, Tim!
Today is Saturday, and I was just working on my (possible) personal statement that is for Germany application until I was totally stuck. To change the mood, I figured that I might as well start the blog writing right now.

Why I Got Stuck

My family and I have been talking over this "studying abroad in Germany" deal and has now decided on taking international business as my college major. Here is a short version of why I don't think I'll be taking other courses into consideration. First of all, international business in Germany focuses quite much on languages as well, which is something I value dearly. Besides, they also offer chances to study abroad to places like England and France as well as a semester's length of internship, a lot of which are even mandatory. This might sound a bit too realistic to my liking, but it sounds a lot more practical and offers a more useful set of skills.
Besides, many literature studies there are taught in German while courses for business studies using English are more common. No matter how fast I can pick up German, there is no way I would be able to attend lectures taught in German within less than five years.
After tapping aimlessly on my keyboard, mulling over what to include in my statement and what not until my thoughts are all tangled up.
It was exceptionally difficult even when my cousin had given a considerable amount of advice for business application mostly because I don't have much prior experience to anything relating business, and even though what my cousin had suggested me to put in my statement, but some of them doesn't sound like me, and I think in a statement like this, it is better if I don't pretend to be someone that I am not, hence making me even more confused about what to write. I think I need to put it aside for a while, let it sit, let it ferment, and see what might eventually come.

I Got a Suit

Just this even, my cousin took me to the department store to search for a suit that is fit for all of my upcoming interviews. I thought I was mentally prepared for this day but it turned out I still had some doubts lurking. I don't even know what those doubts were about! There was just a compelling voice in my head that would appreciate if I just refuse to try on the suit. Here the try-out picture:

SO I am not going to comment on how I look because from what I know about myself it is going to be either borderline narcissistic or utterly self-deprecating, and I want neither of those. The shirt fit my body shape well, and it is promoted for its permeability. The suit jacket (is that how you call them?) was a bit heavy but had a very pleasant texture.
So yeah, this is my very first set of suit, and there are going to be various occasions in which I would need its help.


All this thinking is giving my brain a horrible travail, and I don't think I have the brain to keep on doing anything but writing down any of my words...
I believe this can be called laziness?
I'll go read a book or something. Let's see if more words will come out when I feed my brain some.


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