Sunday, March 31, 2019

Year Three, Almost Free 28: Typing Like Crazy and College Application

Hello, Tim!

This week is also a remarkable week. This week, our scores of the GSAT are submitted to different schools we hope to apply for, and they released the list of who gets to go to the interview of which school. Once the list is accessible, we generally have only three to four days left and we have to upload our soft copies of our personal statements to the corresponding schools.
Yeah, it's a happy week.

My Next Book to Read

So this week I finished the book I was talking about two weeks ago, and now I am ready to move on to the next book.
Turning away from humor and fairytales, I have to prepare myself for Anne Frank's Diary.
I know that as a book lover, I should have read this years ago instead of only now, but the same also goes to many a world's classics I have yet read. But better late than never, right?
I don't think there will be any need to cite what Anne Frank's Diary is about. Last week when I went to see my little niece dancing at her school's spring events, I came across a book store, and given that I still had sufficient time to spare, I headed inside like I always do. For a book that has seen the world with its eyes for more than half a century, I didn't expect it to still be on the shelves for the top 50 English books sold, but there it stood, with a cover that is not so elaborate but dressed with four black-and-white pictures of the same smiling girl with dark locks that shone under the natural light.
It's a book with a German background, and I would hate myself for not reading this well-known book before setting my foot onto the land of Germany. Sure, I have read about Hitler and his monstrosity (which was still an understatement) in history lessons, but I wish to have a more literary approach to the event.

Personal Statement, Personal Struggle

The ordeal of the day is to try finishing all the needed documents for a college course of education in one day. Where do we start? First, the number of words is not limited for the self-introduction section, meaning that you have to write until you have nothing remarkable to tell about yourself. Second, I have to write a total of around two thousand words on the following three topics: Motivation of application, study plans for four years, and your view on the current educational system. The largest hurdle for me is the last part because since that I am still a student under the mentioned "current educational system", I have to refrain myself from blatantly degrading the flaws me, my friends and teachers at school had pointed out so freely. If I kept my thought on just how bad the system is, I would sound like no more than just a high school student whining about the system and how it has wronged my, crippling me and preventing me from entering a better school. No, I most certainly do not want that, so I had to keep finding ways to insinuate and only be blunt at times. It's time-consuming and energy-demanding.
But at least, I have something decent already, now all it needs are possibly some small fixes...

William's and Patrick's Whereabouts for the Next Week

Next week on Tuesday, William and Patrick will be parting for Phoenix, America!
They are invited to attend a friendly event offered between cities, Phoenix and Taipei. Yes, William and Patrick are now representatives of Taipei City! How cool can that be! That would be heading for an exhibition of some sort, and then join the students there at school for several days until the event is over.
For nine days, they will be far away from us, away from our school, and away from tests... How lucky.
At least we can expect some souvenirs, that is for sure.

This is the end of this week's letter. I have spent over eight hours today in front of this laptop, and I think my eyes are complaning. Until next week!


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