Thursday, June 22, 2017

Letter 30: The Last Letter (for this semester) and Before the Vacation

Hello again, Tim!
  So as you may see, this is the thirtieth and the last letter.

  We've really come a long way. Looking back on the first letter,
Hi, Tim, my name is Hugo. I’m really happy that I am able to participate in this Newsletter program and I am sure that I will enjoy your articles very much!
I have never been to America or countries that mainly speak English, but I really would like to travel and take adventures in America!
Reading has always been my hobby. My favorite series of novels is Percy Jackson and the Olympians. This series made me become interested in Greek mythology and I have been reading them since my first year of junior high school, but the books never fail to lighten up my life! I like this series so much that I joined a lot of Percy Jackson fan clubs on Facebook and I’m always checking out Rick Riordan’s (the author) blog for any hint of his upcoming books!
English is my favorite subject. But here’s something about English that I’m not really good at: writing and speaking. I’ve been practicing and improving my writing skills more and more often, and I know how much this project is going to help me. So anyway, nice to meet you! I’ll tell more about myself next time!

Best wishes,

That really wasn't many words, was it? But as time goes on, I find that writing and creating topics are getting easier and easier, and the enjoyment only increases. It's really a nice thing, to be able to learn to write articles and getting responses on a regular basis. Sometimes in the beginning of a day, I would get a notification about your replies, and I would read them as I get myself dressed for the day and think of what to write for the next time.

In retrospect, when I was still in middle school, a semester gets forgotten when a new semester starts, but now in high school, all the eventful occasions come back to me every now and then. No, I won't forget anymore. All lessons learned and remembered well. Man, EHP is an awesome place!

  Thank you for the comment last week! As the day of the departure comes nearer and nearer, I become less and less able to contain my excitement. I think I would literally be vibrating with anticipation soon in the future. First time abroad to an English-speaking country! WOW. There sure are a lot of first times in one's life, but this one seems mindblowing. Thank you for the advice about writing to you.
  Actually, I think I'll be bringing my laptop with me to England, so I'll be both posting about my trip on my blog and to you via email!
  About the trip, I only have one plan for now: find a bookstore, and an old one is preferred. I want to see how nice a bookstore can be in foreign countries... Yes, I'm sure it would be lovely.

  And also as you know, a test is coming. Ouch. One last torment before the trip.... Well, there's no way to skip that. :)
  Despite all, next Monday, I will have an appointment with a classmate of mine, during the last semester of middle school. I know, I know, it's a really bad timing, but we can't help it!
  His name is Lawrence, a nice friend: friendly, and outgoing. After we graduated, he was sent to Canada to study abroad. Living with his aunt, I heard that he was having a nice time over there. This summer break, he's coming back for a visit, and since he's going to be staying for no more than two weeks, we don't have many options... Maybe I'll be able to write something about him next week.

  So many happy things happening these days, though there are some sad parts I wish not to dwell on.
That's life. And I love it.

  Don't worry, Tim. I will keep myself updated and visit the blog with all your newsletters frequently.

Happiness is...

Leaving home for school and seeing a nice rainbow in the morning

  Puns put into words!

The world hide and seek champion said it was his intention to get married this year but his perfect woman would be hard to find. 

Live it up! Let's enjoy the time that's hours! 

My legs won't stop mooing.
I think I got calf injury.

My mate went to a fancy dress party as a silent bee.
"Very subtle," I thought.

Kind regards,

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