Monday, March 4, 2019

Year Three, Almost Free 24: German classes and Macarons

Hello, Tim!
All I want right now is a chance to just lie back-first on the floor and not care about anything; this week is still yet another filled with activities, even with the consecutive four-day holiday, I wasn't even able to find time for a haircut.

Die Deutschekurs hat angefangen

- i.e. the German courses have begun

My German courses have started!
In a spacious room that accommodates fourteen people, we began our class in a lively atmosphere.
I found myself able to catch up with the speed of the lecturer, and I have adopted a new way of notetaking different than before. There is a student who said that she was born in Hawaii and had lived in Germany for over a year. Of course, all her introduction was said in German. Fluent German. This made me wonder why she was still at the elementary level.


Have I mentioned that my favorite snacks are macarons?
Well, my favorite snacks are macarons.
The crisp on the outer shell that emanates the smell of baked almonds and the soft and slightly chewy inner side of the almond and egg whites dough sandwiching a filling of whatever flavor... It's luxury indeed. One small bite followed by a big bite never fails to make me want more.
Thanks to Sherry and her new home, we got to bake my own macarons.
Due to the shortage of time (it has become so scarce lately) I'll skip all the convoluted steps Sherry, Selena, Angela, Cathy, and I took after failing once when mixing the dough.
It was a mess.
None of us had prior experience of baking this kind of dish that requires a high dose of precision, so I have no idea why we had chosen that dish.
Following the instructions on the video, we did, at length, did a barely decent job. That was until we started to put them together.
Look at these wonderful creatures for starters!

One, two, three.
After the filling was squeezed onto the pieces and attached together, they look remotely like the ones that people would be willing to fish out their wallets for.
Careful, careful...

These were the best we had:

The other half was... monstrous.
Things are about to become really weird.

We honestly didn't know what happened. Maybe the plate was just too close to the heat of the oven and it was overbaked. Half of our dough was baked until the surface cracked. When we tasted the dough for the flavor, we got a slight hint of carrot that must have originated from the food coloring powder we had added.
Then Angela decided to just make macaron towers.
I told you.

At least it still tastes delicious.

And it al lost control.
We laughed hysterically as Angela stuffed a horrific crust topped with the lemon butter paste into her mouth, for it was not the way you should treat a macaron, then the laughter must have gotten ten times crazier when Angela accidentally dropped a large drop of butter filling onto her hair. I screeched with laughter as I rushed to her aid but was stopped midway when I bumped into a low-hanging lamp (which, fortunately, did not break) while the others howled.
It was to a point that I was no longer sure whether we had simply lost our minds or it was just the excessive amount of sugar in our heads.
Despite all, we still brought home several "personable" macarons and a teeny portion of pride.


This has been a crazy week.
I just spent six hours writing my personal statement in English, which is a homework handed out by our teacher. It is an assignment, but also it could as well be a reference to a future application attachment.
School starts again tomorrow.
I really should have gotten more rest.


p.s. I totally forgot that the scores came out only this week!
It was such a week I thought the scores were tales several weeks ago...
Might have to include it in the next letter...

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