Monday, May 27, 2019

Year Three, Almost Free 36: Half a Foot out of Here and First Sip

Hello, Tim!

I know it is the Monday of the following week, but I still have to make an account of the past week.

Music for Souvenirs

These two weeks I have been asking my friends to give me a playlist of ten to fifteen songs for the sake of some sort of sentimental souvenir. This idea was long cultivated, even before the GSAT. I know that there is a high chance that I will feel homesick and totally lonely when/if I study in Germany. As a person who needs music in all sorts of occasions, I felt the need to ask this of my classmates. It is an easy task for them since all they have to give me is a list of the songs they listen to, which make me think that it is quite resembling a graduation parting gift: It has sentimental values, where emotions are packed into different genres of songs, and with the notion that the songs were picked from a playlist called "XXX's top ten songs of all time" gives me a chance to acquaint myself with them a bit more. I like this idea.

First Sip of Alcohol

Have I ever mentioned that I practically vowed not to drink alcohol long ago? Well, here's the deal: In whichever case, I want to avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. I myself find the reason behind this decision obscured, one possible reason is that I simply dislike the taste of wine, and this was proved last Friday. At a family reunion, the elders and the adults wanted to toast us since we are to become graduates in a week's time. My cousin, who has always insisted that I get used to drinking alcohol because I will be heading for Germany in around September or October, gave me a look that clearly stated that I was not to be extracted from this glass of red wine. I could even picture my own expression when the revelation hit me that I wouldn't get away this time. Just one sip of the supposedly superb red wine, according to my uncle-in-law, and I felt the slightly burning tingling down my throat and the bitterness that lingered. This confirmed my preconception that wine does not taste good. At all.


I know I'm sending my update in quite late, and given that I still have the graduation dinner as well as an invitation to a bar which I turned down, (it was indeed a good decision made.) I surmise that I could have spent more time on this. But I need to head for my German class!
Bis bald (See you in a while.)


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