Thursday, April 20, 2017

Letter 23: Our Phenomenal Classmates and Lunch Preparing

Hello, Tim!
  This is the week of basketball!
  And as you know, being in the EHP means one thing: we don't have enough boys; the other classes have twenty to thirty, while we only have six! The difference was so vast!
  However, this also means that we won't have enough boys for the competition, and the girls in our class have to take our places. They are so awesome...
  And our girls are CRAZY, especially Melody, Nini, Selena, Red.

  They were like warriors, rushing to and fro on the battlefield, maneuvering the ball as it was a part of themselves, even though their opponents are all boys.
  The first two days of the games, our class won and made it to the top four, but in the third, we lost.   We were unhappy about the result, but we also know that it must have been some miracle that we can make it this far.
  Miracle? I mean the girls.
In novels and cartoons, I sometimes see some exasperating character say that it is "lame" to be helped by girls. That's simply a false statement. True, our class would be nothing without the girls, but what's wrong with that? This is not something to be ashamed of, but something to be proud of. Way to go, girls! Three cheers for EHP!!!
  Another thing that touched me during the games is the attitude of the players. Though we sometimes do provoke our components, but during the game, a player on the other team was pushed and fell to the ground. Nini, who was some distance away, rushed over and offered her hand to him. Sometimes it’s not all those glamorous achievements one made on the battlefield matter, but the kindness to give a helping hand is a virtue.
  Additionally, after each match, no matter we won or lost, we always went to the front and thanked the judges; later on, I had seen other classes doing so as well, and I believe this is a quality everyone should keep.
  As for the results, we got the fourth! We did aim for the third place or above, but we lost. With pride, though. With so many girls fighting against boys, *satisfied sigh* the girls in our class are phenomenal!

  Since the beginning of this year, I have been learning how to cook from Mom, and the past week and these days I have been preparing lunch for the next day on my own. For example, this is what I cooked for tomorrow’s lunch:
Four dishes :)

  From the preparing of the ingredients to the seasoning and to the cooking, every process requires concentration and effort, and I couldn’t help but think how much work Mom, Dad, my grandmother, my aunt, and all those who cooked for families have ever done to bring dishes and dishes of contentment and bliss to the dining table; cooking is tough work, and I realized all these only when I started doing everything on my own.
  I like cooking. I adore the feeling of achievement when you are capable of feeding yourself, being on the road of independence. If I can, I’d like to learn to cook dishes of different sorts from different places(for example, my cousin does some amazing cakes and cookies, and I heard that Buzz cooks nice Italian cuisine, and Aubrey cooks broccoli and striking mac and cheese), adding spice to my life like splattering paint on canvases because, you know, food is another language that doesn’t need much communication!

  This week has been an eventful one, and sorry that I didn’t have the chance to write something about literature, but I am thinking about reading the scripts of Romeo and Juliet, a book which I happened to have.

  Also, the singing contest is right at the corner; more on next week!
  Lunch with a side of puns :D  


Hugo, 4/20/2017

1 comment:

  1. Hugo,
    Great article about the basketball tournament. The most impressive thing is not the 4th place finish, but that Class 120 competed at all. It would have been very easy to just say "We can't do this", and then quit. It's a great job by everybody just to have a team. It's good to hear about the good sportsmanship also.
    Isn't cooking fun? It's always nice to get that feeling of artistry and accomplishment.
    H20 = water buffalo? Do any of the rice farmers in Taiwan still use water buffalo, or is that only in places like Vietnam and Cambodia?

