Sunday, April 30, 2017

Happy Holidays III: Celebrating and MEAT

Hello, Tim!
  Just coming by, to tell you about my weekend!

  As you may know, the test is coming near (ever too soon), and I'm not even halfway through the reviewing... Better start now, or at least after I finish this letter. :)
  It is one and a half in the afternoon, and later I'll be leaving for Gongguan, an MRT station for the class celebration of our recent victorious triumphs -the basketball tournaments and the singing contest-! For the celebration, we are going to have dinner at an all-you-can-eat restaurant, and as what Candy told me, there's a lot of meat!!!
Therefore, I'm skipping lunch today (not a healthy thing to do, I know) and hence save my tummy for dinner!
  Again, I want to express how much honored I am to be in this class of EHP, that it was only because of them and the teachers can I enjoy such a feisty year. In response to your previous comment, I want to talk about some of them who are sure that they will stay: Candy, Melody, Aubrey, Allison, and of course, me. There are more who are staying, I'm certain, but I can't quite remember. However, there is a possibility that I'm going to be the only boy staying....
  This means that Melvyn, William, Ericson, Buzz, and Samuel might leave. I don't want any of these guys to leave! Melvyn is filled with nerdy knowledge and funny traveling stories; William is goofy, reassuring, and friendly; Ericson is noisy, naughty, but always brings humorous light to our class; Buzz, hopelessly romantic, superficially talented, and he is the only one whom I can chat about novels with; Samuel is kind to everyone, and he is cool with all the technological knowledge....
  However, as I did say, it is life that has so many inevitable partings, and the only thing we can do is to live up to the remainders of the time...
  I'll tell you more when I come back from the celebration.
  I'm back!!! I got to the designated assembling place thirty minutes earlier, and of course, I am the first. We got to the restaurant just in time, and we enjoyed it to the most. The sizzling orchestra of the meat and the dazzling dance of the fire were hypnotizing, and they fueled my desire for food! (Or I was just too hungry since I skipped lunch)
  They were all laughing, I noticed, like a happy family would. (satisfied sigh) Living up to the remainders of the time? Will do.

Summer actually came by to say hello!!!!!

  By the way, Buzz gave me a book today. It's a book called The Iron Wolf, an animal poetry by Ted Hughes. It looks like a rather old book, judging by the yellowish color of the pages, and the perfume like the entrancing scent of aged books, and I am so grateful! As much as I love books, seldom are there people who's ever given me a book as a gift, I think I'll talk about his next time. Anyway, on the way back home, I read the first verse:
Inside the Wolf's fang, the mountain of heather.
Inside the mountain of heather, the Wolf's fur.
Inside the Wolf's fur, the ragged forest.
Inside the ragged forest, the Wolf's foot.
Inside the Wolf's foot, the stony horizon.
Inside the stony horizon, The Wolf's tongue.
Inside the Wolf's tongue, the Doe's tears.
Inside the Doe's tears, The frozen swamp.
Inside the frozen swamp, the Wolf's blood.
Inside the Wolf's blood, the snow wind.
Inside the snow wind, the Wolf's eye.
Inside the Wolf's eye, the North Star.
Inside the North Star, the Wolf's fang.

I have no idea of what this poem is about, but this is the intricating beauty of poems: you have to look into them-deeply so- to understand what this is about. I think I can talk to this with Buzz (Buzz, thank you for giving me such a challenging opportunity; to broaden my horizon of imagination, as you said) someday.
The test is near, and I have to go now. Thank you, Tim.



Splendid wishes, Hugo

1 comment:

  1. Hugo,
    i've enjoyed all of your comments about the concerts, the celebrations, and how the whole class is feeling very proud. You all should be.
    i think that it's too early to know very much about the class for next year. Obviously some students are doing better than others in the class, but we are not in a position to judge if anyone is actually failing the class. Even if they are, summer school may be an option, rather than just removing them from the class.
    School administrations have a way of waiting until the last possible moment before they make any decisions. Unless they want to place student into a new "area of study" (math, science, etc. for next year, for Class 120, 'reassigning students" would probably after the final exams.
    They also have to look at the size of the class. It's doubtful that they are going to let any "homeroom" class get much smaller that your class is already. If they take many students out of class 120, they would probably break up the remainders and assign you to different home rooms. As far as an "Advanced English" class goes, they probably don't want that to get too small either, but they may allow a class as small as a dozen.
    If the administration is flexible and creative, and there's only about a dozen or so that are still in "Advanced English, they may merge your class in with an "advanced English" class that's a grade higher. So the teacher would be teaching two different class who are in the same room at the same time. Unless they've done it before, most teachers would not want to do this. They would have to be very creative and very energetic. It would be a lot of work.
    So, at this point, I think that it's too early to tell what will happen to class 120 next year. If you lose only 2-3 students, they may allow you to continue much like this year. So get everybody working hard. Your survival as a class may depending on it!

