Saturday, July 8, 2017

Greetings, England- Day 5: Much Ado About Nothing and an enjoyable Night

(Written on 07/06/2017)
Okay, so conclusions first: The show was awesome!!!
Back to the beginning.

In the morning, after having the (ever the same) breakfast, we had more lessons and scripts of Much Ado about Nothing, then we had the script of Obama's victory speech in 2009, for the purpose of showing how many of the rhetorical devices were used, and to illustrated how successful one can be when what one says is persuasive. Then, in the critical thinking lessons, we had to analyze the newspapers and the tabloids in England, how a story can be told in totally different ways, how the articles were organized.... it was a nice period since we got to think about the intentions and the political views of a paper. I thought that maybe the same can be seen in Taiwanese, but since I have never really focused on the papers in Taiwan, I just don't know.
Let's fast forward to the show!
It was in an open air garden in Wadham College, a college within 25 minutes walking distance from St. Clare's. Nevertheless, we still took the school minibus over there.
Oxford, Wadham College

No photography allowed during the show!
There was even no stage! Just grass! I wonder if such kind of theater can be found in Taiwan.
Before coming to England, I was told numerous times that the weather right here would be "rainy, cold", but what we've got is "sunny with a nice sky of clouds" and to me, it is a perfect day for a show in the garden.
With no stage.
Splendid day!
And even though it was all in Shakespearean English (and also a small blend of Italian) and some of the parts were just too fast winded that I couldn't comprehend (I blame myself) but most of the time, I laughed with the crowd. However, I wasn't just focusing on the laughing part, just like some of my classmates said that "It was so funny" and etc. I think the intention of comedies weren't just for entertaining purposes. It shows the depths of human emotions, sometimes even better than tragedy, since in comedies it can go from happiness and tears of laughter from this minute, but dive into betrayal, disbelief, and sadness in the next. It was the grief, the shock, and the regret in the play that touched me the most, and they sent shivers down to my spine, and up to my scalp. It was a show of which I would always be reminded when I watch any comedies in the future.
I got back to my dormitory at around 10:30 at night, and I was exhausted.
Enjoying the aftershock of the performance with the accompany of the moon.
P.S. I have Mama Mia Musical for tonight, but possibly I will have to write about it tomorrow because the time I will be back range from 11:30 to 12:00 in the night. It will be really late, so that is all for today.

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