Thursday, July 20, 2017

Greetings, England- Day 17: Psychology Classes and Acting Workshop

The last week in St. Clare's starts... NOW!
For this week, we have humanities as our topic, and the subject I chose was psychology. Before class, I was studying my timetables and saw the name of our teacher: Christos Halkiopoulos. It was pretty obvious a Greek name, as I have been listening to Greek songs. I grabbed my phone and typed in his name.

Turned out he was quite famous... Wasn't he? He was one of the authors of the textbooks we used, and I think that was a really impressive thing. In class, he first gave us a small introduction of the classes. With a rather thick accent, he talked about one of the most-discussed topics in psychology: Memory.
And my classmates are so eager to learn! We have raised questions and Mr. Christos answered every question in details. After a series of discussion, we were given each a psychology-based magazine to read. He asked us to find one to read and share something with you learned. I read about GID, or gender identity dysphoria, where a person having a mental gender not corresponding or opposite to one's biological identity. It also talked about which has a greater influence on the formation of one's personality, nature or nurture. Nature means that you are born with the set of genes, and it was determined before you were born, whilst nurture is more like the upbringing of a child's parents. I agree with what the article said; The influence is equal. The parents can do a lot for their child in terms of upbringing and sculpting of personality, but if it wasn't in the nature of the child, it would be harder or impossible to let him/her oblige to the lessons of the parents.
Psychology for me is like biology and chemistry; I am interested in it, but definitely a hard nut to crack.
St. Clare's really is a nice place with no doubt, and I was more firm on this statement when they had invited the actors from the Much Ado about Nothing in Wadham to lead us on some activities that involved acting. It was one thing to see Don Pedro and the messenger on the stage, and it was another thing to see them playing games with us. I was really happy to see them once again and after class, I went to them and asked for them to sign on my notebook as well.
Today, I was planning to go punting with the activity from St. Clare's, but it took place at two thirty in the afternoon, whereas my courses finish at four. This activity was for those who don't have classes on Monday afternoons. What a pity!
Anyway, as I am typing this, I am in the garden of the art studio again, with the sunset at my companion, I understand that I am typing a lot less, comparing to the previous days. However, my feelings for Oxford have never changed.  I just have to sink my mood a bit for the coming end.This is a nice, serene place. It is enchanting to have met it.

Bonus: Skeleton from other courses?
This is all for today.

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