Monday, July 24, 2017

Greetings, England- Day 21: Last Day of Class and the Excursion to London

How unimaginable is this?

Twenty-one days ago, I still believed that we have a lot of time to spare, to make use of in Oxford. How was it until we only have one day left that I realized the unlikelihood of this thought. One day, one picture, one certificate, but too many goodbyes. I didn't like it. I can be blunt and assure you. I knew that parting was necessary, I knew that goodbyes had to be said, I also knew fully well that it was inevitable, but it doesn't deny the fact that the sadness was inconsolably overwhelming. (Okay. Too many fancy words.)
Simply put, it felt like being forced to lock up the chest of happiness, every farewell bid gave me a twist in my gut, and I could feel my eyes wanting to fill up with tears. But no, not this time. I had decided to save the tears in my mind, to let them dribble down in my thoughts. This is not about being unmanly; saving the tears for another tastes deeper, more sentimental.
Today, we only had two and a half hours of class: Acting workshop and critical thinking. In the acting workshop, we took our class's first and last group photo:
Everyone was so nice (sob sob)
In critical thinking, we were asked to build a three-dimensional model to illustrate the idea of the topics we had learned in the previous three weeks. In our group, we created the scale of equality. It was a weighing scale with the faces of people of different races, though still weigh the same; in the background were happy people gathered together, to represent that unison leads to happiness. I think that I did take a picture:
We were just using what we were provided with.
Then was the last gathering, where we got our certificate and where I got my reward for being "exceptionally polite and nice" with a wide smiley face on the certificate (there is a certificate for this!) I also got a mug of St. Clare's... I don't care if these things are going to be of benefit in my future life, but they are going to be a big part of it for sure.
So grateful for the teachers and friends who came along.

I like that big smiley face :D
Being the last day, I had gotten my remainders of time planned: An excursion to the London Eye and the Covent Garden.
We, unfortunately, got stuck in a gridlock on the highway, and it took us an extra hour to get to the London Eye. It didn't matter much to me, though, given that I was dozing off basically until three minutes before arriving.
It was a magnificent sight, seeing a Ferris wheel sitting among buildings.
Looking out of the bus when still sleepy

Going up in the London Eye, a song ringed in mind. It was To the Sky, by Owl City.
"Birdseye view, awake the stars 'cause they're all around you
Wide eyes will always brighten the blue
Chase your dreams, and remember me, sweet bravery 'cause
After all those wings will take you up so high
So bid the forest a fond goodbye and embrace the wind and take to the sky..."
"There's a realm above the trees, where the lost are finally found
So touch your feathers to the breeze and leave the ground..."
Looking down on all the things, I really feel like soaring and circling the city...

Seeing Big Ben

We took a picture. The one in the front was our handsome group leader, Sam.
After the London Eye, we walked ourselves to the Covent Garden, a place that looked more artistic. Due to the heavy traffic, our free time was severely cut down to thirty minutes. Though inadequate, I still got the souvenirs I need to bring back to Taiwan, and I still had a great time.
Back at the dorm, Fran and I had a huge argument. It wasn't really unusual for us since we are always arguing, so it wasn't really a big deal. This is just how we interact.
It's one in the morning now, and I had just finished packing my belongings. Fran is already sleeping soundly. Twenty-one days passed by like an arrow... Tomorrow, Fran will leave at 6:40 in the morning, while I'm leaving around ten. I have to go now because I will be walking him to his bus tomorrow...
This is all for today.

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