Saturday, July 22, 2017

Greetings, England- Day 19: The Casual Talk and a Presentation on Population and Resources

Today, as foretold as yesterday, I went to the admission office to see the guy named Chris.
I was still somewhat nervous because he was like a director of the school or what. But unsurprisingly, he was trying to convince me into the IB course in St. Clare's, which basically was like a two-year preparation for university. With due all honor, I said no, for I have never thought of leaving Taiwan for such a long term at such age. Also, it would mean leaving my family, leaving my friends, leaving EHP, leaving all the teachers who have been so kind to me throughout my strugglings of different phases of my life, at the age of 16! Not to mention about the high expenses here. True, there would be scholarship, but who knows if it would be enough? It has always been my dream to study abroad, but the dream has also been set to be accomplished in my university years or after university. Never has it been high school times, where life has just started. Trust me, this offer was atrociously tempting, in which I could explore the amazing city as much as I want to, with all subject taught in English, with subjects chosen by my own fancy... But, no, I think this is not going to happen. Attracting or not, I am not going to leave my life in Taiwan so soon. Just look at Lawrence, the guy who had just gone back to Canada to study after a mere two-week spent in Taiwan. He did have a great time, I know, but I could not imagine being so young and abroad and getting nostalgic. I was a nice offer, but I would pass. Afterward, I met Sophie in the hall and she asked me what did we talk about. She said that she understood why I said so, but she also asked me if it was nice to be required like this. She did have a point, though. :D
In the Current Events class in the afternoon, we talked about Malthusianism and Boserup's Theory. It was a topic of population and resources. Malthusianism was offering the idea of controlling birth rate, for he believed that while population growth was increasing exponentially, food production was only growing linearly, which indicated that one day, food production will not be sufficient to feed all human. Here is a small graph to illustrate the idea:

On the other hand, Boserup's Theory was more supportive about the saying, "Necessity is the mother of invention." and hence believes the hypothesis where food production rate will alway be a step ahead of human population with the innovation of technology on agricultural or farming. Another small graph here:

Then, we were put into two groups and everyone has to prepare a small part about either supporting Malthusianism or Boserup's Theory. It was interesting, as our presentations got turned into some small debates...
After dinner, I saw Amanda again. She asked me if I was going anywhere for the evening. I thought for a while, and it struck me that I have to go to M&S for the food I'm going to bring back to Taiwan. I got a whole bunch of snacks. Good luck to me for bringing them home.
This is all for today.

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