Sunday, July 16, 2017

Greetings, England- Day 14: Extra homework and Oh, DEER!

Extra homework...
Sounds ominous, doesn't it?
However, I was grateful!

I know that I am already having a hard time on regularly posting on this blog, but I felt honored.
Today, as a normal Friday over here, our classes end on 12:30. During English lessons, our teacher of the week (and also for the next), Sophie, took a piece of paper and asked for a pen of mine. Right then, we were writing a local newspaper for Qaanaaq, a place in Greenland, where hunters are still struggling to sustain their lives in a more traditional way. I was trying to pay attention to our work, but I was so tempted to peep on what she was writing and so I did. There was no need, though, for she had soon given the slip of paper to me. Here it is:
What are the challenges facing the Arctic? Evaluate possible solutions to these issues.
She later explained that she wanted to see my performance in writing an essay. I was so happy, because, excuse me for boasting a bit, but it felt like getting a big praise on my English writing abilities. She said I can choose not to do it if I don't want to, but why should I give up another chance to write about my thoughts? Maybe I will finish it on Sunday since I have nothing planned on that day so far. Happy writing to me!
Since today class ended at noon, I had planned another "independent excursion! Within walking distance!" (not an official name though) This time, it is farther than The Oxford University. I am going to the Deer Park next to the Magdalen Bridge!
A map of Oxford first:

So you can see from the map, the Deer Park is on the far left side, while St. Clare's was around the upper side middle of the map. It took about forty minutes of distance on foot, so I was up for the challenge. I walked down to the Oxford Central and went south a little more... Actually, I was trying to go further south, but I was tied around there for several things: I had to buy lunch in Sainsbury's because quite apparently I skipped lunch; I suddenly realized that forgot to bring a book with me! WHAT?! Therefore, I went to the nearby Blackwell's and bought the book I had been drooling over (figuratively): For the Winner by Emily Hauser.
Finally that I got to keep on going, but there were so many beautiful buildings that I almost felt obligated to stay and marvel at.
The college was open for customers today!

Above are pictures taken inside the Balliol College. I didn't go through the whole college because we have other places to go to...
The Old Bodleian Library, and there was someone sitting outside and reading!

The University Church of St. Mary the Virgin

Punting boats and chauffeurs to rent and hire!

A little walk further and we will get to the Magdalen College!

The admission fee was 5 pounds but after three hours... I would say it was worth it.

The wide yard inside Magdalen College

It wasn't until I had arrived (with more than twenty minutes of delay and sightseeing) at the Magdalen College that I realized that the entrance of the park was actually INSIDE of the college, and a five-pound admission had to be paid. I turned out to be worth it, judging the time I spent inside.
The map of the Oxford Magdalen College

I was really hungry, with the one hour of walking, so I was trying to find a place next to the Deer Park where I can sit down and have lunch. Before I found such place, I saw the deer. They are adorable! Las t time I was so close to deer (though this time with a small river and bars between) was when I was in the second year of elementary school, we went to Nara in Japan. This time, though, my mother, my aunt, and my cousin weren't here, and it was so quiet.
Walking down the path...

Crossing the bridge...

Continuing on the woody paths... You could see on the left side...

Oh, deer! (excuse the pun)

A really nice place it was.

The Water Meadow

I found a bench, and then, in the quiet between the trees, I took out my simple lunch and dug in. To be honest, I didn't what my expectations were before coming here. I was thinking sort of... about... having a picnic on the grass with some... deer, maybe? With deer nibbling on the grassy fields by my side?
Now you know that it was solely my problem for putting my expectations so high. It did not deny the fact that I had a great bench picnic, though.
After lunch, I watched as people punting on the River Cherwell next to me, heads brushing past the twigs and leaves that had grown too low, with the jokes laid out by the chauffeur, and the gigglish laughs they made; I watched as the deer behind the bars are trotting themselves about, some lying down and enjoying the afternoon sun a little more than I did, and nibbling on the grassy fields (just without me sitting by and having a picnic); I watched as a wedding photo shoot took place, with the groom's one hand holding tight to the waist of the bride, and the other was staying on his side, both of them smiling serenely, as if they've found the anchor for the other person, an anchor to settle down.
It was a nice afternoon indeed!
This is just a normal boat rowing, I guess?

Deer in plural form is still deer because they are "endeering"

Pending marriages are always nerve-breaking and exciting

Neatly-treated Garden.

Lively flowers.

Gate to the Deer Park.

Dining hall.

After touring around in the campus for a little while, I went further into the park, where a bench lay next to the Water Meadow. The clock struck four in the afternoon, and the sun was still up high. I took out the novel I just bought and found out that the protagonist was the Greek heroine I love the most: Atalanta! I'm going to love this book, I had this feeling.
The small bridge to cross the small pond.

Sitting on the stone bench, facing the Water Meadow.

For the Winner by Emily Hauser; right on my "Top Ten Impulsively Bought Books"

A little further down the path, there is another piece of grass land, where I simply just lied down. I got a bit drowsy, with the blanketing warmth of the sun and the wavey chilly wind embosoming me. However, I knew that if I did fall asleep, I wouldn't wake up in at least two hours. But it was so comfortable, just lying right here (my legs still hurt with the bruises I got from the ice-skating yesterday). I chatted with Candy, and when I left Magdalen College, I had spent three hours in the college! The time flow inside was certainly faster...
The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side; irrelevant proverb of the day.

One last look at the deer.... Bye :(
So far, my life in England put in a word, is...
Basically every day, I would need to walk over an hour to get around. Not complaining, though, for the scenic views and the exercise I needed.

This is all for today.

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