Sunday, July 9, 2017

Greetings, England- Day 6: Countdown and the Mama Mia Musical

Today, in English class, we watched the TV show Catchphrase, a game for guessing idioms and phrases by watching a short animated illustration, for the purpose of getting to know more of the idioms. Some of them even originated from Shakespeare's plays!

New idioms can be learned on Catchphrase

For example, send someone packing, a phrase used for sending someone away for the bad things one have done, came from Henry IV, part I; and in a pickle, from The Tempest. Now you can all see why the courses were amazing!
There are also some newly learned idioms:
to be tarred with the same brush: being marked or tagged with the same but unfair accusation or stereotypes you shouldn't have to take
to clutch at straws: making wild guesses or decisions out of desperation
to nail your colors to the mast/ to wear your heart on your sleeve: to let your emotions and thought easily showed to others
After the class ended at 16:00, I went back to my dorm and packed some snacks and readied for the show Mama Mia. We had to get to the activities office by 16:30, and I did. Since the theater we were going to, Novello Theater, was located in London, it takes about two and a half hours even by bus. I was aware of that on our way to the theater since the sleepy spirit in me took over and slept through the whole trip. The theater was magnificent! With the beautiful interior design, amazing lighting, and the classy atmosphere. The sign outside was right: I really loved it before I entered!
The sign is right.



Ticket & Theater

I had never watched any forms of Mama Mia before, only with the knowledge that there are some popular songs from the show. It was a comedy with a lot of dramatic elements within: pending young marriage, three possible dads... If I had to say, it was considerably more dramatic than Much Ado about Nothing. However, the show was still able to make connections with the audience despite the radical plots, and I believe the credit goes to their musical elements. The lyrics, the rhythm, and the expressions from the actors and actresses were highly contagious and conveyed their emotions perfectly with little efforts; this at first looked like a mere drama, but it showed the bond between friends, families, and the people who cared for you -in short, the relationships between the people around you- and the comedic elements served as a catalyst to bring up the joy and smiles in the audience. I was almost thankful that the Stratford excursion was full so I could have a deeper understanding of theaters and on-stage performances. After this show, I understood that to be a character on stage, you don't necessarily have to have the personality of the character you are going to play. I understood that what matters how much you are willing to give yourself to the character. The dedication, the determination, and the heart are what you have to work on. So possibly (just possibly) I might have some ideas about acting on our annual performance in CCSH.
We got back to St. Clare's long after curfew (about half past midnight, so this article was written on 07/07) and I was warm with happiness for the harvest today.
The program book I bought

This is all.

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