Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Summer Vacation Day 35: Yesterday Recount and Warehouse

Hello, Tim!
Yesterday marked the end of the third week of our summer courses. Two more weeks to go!

8/4, Saturday
Yesterday, after the clean-up, my mother and I ran some small errands and finally headed home, forty minutes behind the schedule.
Winding back a bit: While I was still trying to sweep up all the feather-light dust without having them floating in the air and giving my allergic nose reckless tickles, Angela called me and told me that they would be in the Starbucks just around my house studying. She, Selena, Cathy, and Melody wondered if I wanted to join them.
I have been working wholeheartedly on the moving business for two consecutive days, and in the spoken two days, I had read none of the textbooks. Therefore, I thought it would be splendid if I could finally calm down in a soft and relaxing place and focus on my studies. I answered Angela, telling her I would be there, but I could not promise exactly when; with so many tasks queuing on the to-clean-list, there was no estimating when we could drag our tired-self back to Tianmu.
When Mom and I got home, Melody made a nicely-timed phone call asking me where I was, ‘Just got home,’ I answered. ‘Want to come over and have a look? Ask the others for me.’ That was how five minutes later, Angela and Melody were marching up the stairs as the first guests of the resident. Without a doubt, my study still looked unruly, cardboard boxes and textbooks around, but I didn’t really mind that much. To me, the only thing that needed to be presentable in my study was my one and only bookshelf. In my bedroom sits a goose plush doll that has been alongside me since my early childhood, and coincidentally, there was a duster behind it. Melody went into my study and notices the doll- and laughed uncontrollably when she saw the doll for what it really was, rather than the lion she thought she saw. Angela walked in at the cackling laughter, and it took less than a second for her to chime in. I was there, and we made a laughing trio.
The two left first for dinner, so I went to Starbucks first to meet Cathy and Selena. The five of us took up a long table, each of the seats occupied. I ordered myself a mocha frappuccino, only to find it too sweet to consume the whole cup. That moment I decided, that the next time I come over here for another studying session, I would order an ordinary americano, sugar-free and creamer-free, just the way I normally like my coffee.
So, this was the part about yesterday I was missing.

Today was a day for lightbulb shopping.
My uncle drove, and with my aunt, we went to a warehouse to get all the things our new house lacked: About fifteen bulbs with white light, a mop, and several other goods. We grabbed every thing we needed, lingered over the whole-set kitchen exhibit (they were really fancy, fancy, but costly), and just before we were about to reach the cashier, a saleswoman spotted us.
This was not one of those average salespeople who quietly handed you a sample and just smiles as they see you leave. No. This lady really knew what she was doing. She started with the mop Mom took (which was from a brand she had been using for years). With a more expensive looking mop in her hands, she rattled off a list of what the mop in my mom’s hands couldn’t and what the one in hers could. “You see, this mop can reach all the way to the bottom of any kind of space beneath the furniture in any angle…” and so on. It was a comical thing to watch: my mom, speechless, defenseless against the shotgun speed of the saleswoman, who was moving on to the next product she wanted my mother to buy.
I discreetly sauntered away from the battlefield of the lady’s mouth, and five minutes later when I returned, Mom had the pitiful kind of ‘Just let me leave’ written all over her face. That’s the story of how mother got a costly new mop and several other additional products. The lady really did know how to nail her job; I had to give her credit for that.
Dinner was taken at Grandma’s. My uncle also came for an early celebration of the Taiwanese ‘August the eighth’ Father’s Day. Since my dad wasn’t there but rather on some ship, Mom and I decided that we would have another meal together when dad’s home.

This is all for today.

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