Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Summer Vacation Day 52: Day and Fréro Delavega

Hello, Tim!
The kids are still sick, with the diagnosis of scarlet fever for Aiden and the 70% of occurrence of stomach flu for Sophie, meaning that no matter how expensive their school tuition fee is, they had to stay at home for at least another day.

8/21, Tuesday
Remember the whole ‘Sophie and Aiden were like two little devils’ part that came as the main topic for yesterday’s post? Well, now all you have to do is copy the whole thing and paste it back on today’s list, starting from eight-thirty in the morning and all the way to the evening. It was too exhausting to even talk about.

In the evening, I was in my study, writing blogs (I really do hope I was studying) while listening to French songs.
I have started listening to French songs since I had started taking French classes, and almost every other day, I would be on YouTube, hounding for new songs that really connect to me. There are two types of singers in my world. One kind of singer has several singles that really get to you, but for most of his/her other songs would mean nothing to me; The other kind are the singers that really have styles for their songs which just matches to my appetite for music, and like a buffet, I would normally sweep and devour all the songs they had in the past, careful not to lose grasp of any of them. Sometimes it’s the unique voice the singers hold, sometimes the poetically fluid lyrics, sometimes even the melodies of the songs alone- Every song you have grown to fanatically love and believe in are something you can call a part of your personality. My all-time favorite one-man band Owl City falls into the latter category.
For several months now, I have grown to be fond of a French group called Fréro Delavega, a two-person group, consisting of Jérémy Frérot and Florian Delavega (now you know where the group name came from). They have all elements of a song that just ring all the way up to my brains. Melodies with ever-changing style, but managed to be of a hollow, haunting characteristic. The voice of the two vocals intertwining and coming atop each other, the lyrics sweet and vague that leave you wondering.
Jérémy Frérot et Florian Delavega

There was a song of theirs, called Le chant des Sirènes, or the Song of the Sirens. There was not really a story fitted into the song, but some description of the sea, the sand, and how it all correlates to the memories and the past that blended together. Here is the chorus of the song:
Quand les souvenirs s’emmêlent,
Les larmes me viennent,
Et le chant des sirènes me replonge en hiver
Oh, mélancolie crulle,
Harmonie fluette
Euphorie solitaire…

which (in my own attempted translation) basically meant:

When the memories mingled together
The tears come to me
And the song of the siren sends me plunging back into winter
Oh, the cruel melancholy,
The high-pitched harmony,
And the euphoria of the solitude…

I just am still horrible at translating, I know, but the picture of the lyrics was there, and it was a beautiful sight of the waves crashing into the coastal rocks, bringing and taking away the sand at the beach as they come and go. Someone with a white shirt that flowing at the rhythm of the sea wind was standing atop one of the rocks, staring into the horizon with such misty eyes. This is what I see when listening to the song. I love songs that would bring pictures to me, and almost every song of this Fréro Delavega have this magic bestowed upon them.
I then surfed on the Internet, hoping to find some news of their latest announcements, hoping to have some wind of a possible new single or even a new album in the future, but all I found was that the duo had split up at the end of 2017.

It struck me hard, and I went on the Internet once more for some explanations. I typed in English, but no article in English showed up. I then typed in ‘Pourquoi Fréro Delavega se sépare’ and tried to read a report of their interview.
From the way I read the interview, it seemed as if one of the duos, Florian was not adapting well to the life ‘in the media’, and it turned out unfit for his lifestyle, while Jérémy Frérot said that he had no intent to leave the music career and that we would continue solo.
I love the music group so much, so it was so sad seeing them separating. But that’s life, isn’t it?
As much as they are singers, celebrities, they still are people, and people leave the others’ sides very often, often so soon.
Listening to many of the other Fréro Delavega songs, and Jérémy’s first single as a solo artist, I did the dishes from dinner, immersing myself in the entrancing tunes.

This is all for today.

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