Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Summer Vacation Day 53: A Quite-nothing-Happened Day and a Kid at Home

Hello, Tim!
These days have been hot like it is summer in Taiwan.
Wait. It IS summer.
Summers in Taiwan had already programmed me into having winter as my favorite season.
At least I won’t sweat as much.

8/22, Wednesday
Today, we only had to take care of Aiden, who still needed a day of ‘resting’ before he could go to school again.
As it turned out, Sophie didn’t catch the stomach flu at all! Her parents were still skeptical about the whole flu thing from the kids’ doctor, so they asked my mom to bring her to a dermatologist to check whether it was just some skin problems instead.
Hands dermatitis, it was.
So, with Sophie at school, Aiden was relatively easier to control, making our lives easier.

I was chatting with Allison online in the evening, and we nagged at ourselves of not having used enough time for studying, so we agreed on having the same Chinese studying process so we could just prod the other into doing more studying.

This is all for today.

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