Sunday, July 22, 2018

Summer Vacation Day 21: House Hunt EP4 and Tiresome School

Hello, Tim!
This day featured tests, afternoon math classes, and evening house hunting.
On the news, it said that there was a potential for a typhoon to form.

7/19, Thursday
Thursday has officially become my least favorite day of the week. Every Thursday we have class until three in the afternoon, a little different from the other school days. Two of the periods in the afternoon are math, the dreadful math class. It was so difficult to withstand the monotonous game with solving equations, crunching numbers and so on. The pace of the classes was a bit fast, and once you fail to keep up, you lose focus on the rest of the class. Therefore, I think it is safe to say math class wears me out more any other subjects.
In the evening, I went to a house for rent that is near my uncle’s house, about forty minutes of distance covered on foot to school.
This time, my cousin accompanied us to have a look at the item. It is a five-story apartment, with the room for rent on the second. It is right next to a wide asphalt where cars pass more frequently than not. The living room was surrounded by all other rooms, giving it no lighting, and it basically has bad ventilation. The study has some shelves for books on one side of the wall, but the other side of the wall was fixed with plentiful of small wooden planks, in the patterns of a bricked wall. It protrudes out from the wall, making it able to hold small items like decorative mugs or small cacti pots, but no way it is it going to fit my books. It’s got no space left for my bookshelf with the placements of this house.
The search for places will have to go on…
This is all for today.

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