Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Summer Vacation Day 4: Thai Food and about Moving

Hello, Tim!
My dad came home yesterday. No, actually, Mom and I went out to meet him and we went home together later. My dad will be staying home for two days and possibly more.
Weather condition in Taiwan in terms of the always high temperature: Sweaty kind of horrible.

7/2, Monday
I planned to wake up and get into doing whatever I am supposed to do (that means studying) at the time my mom headed out for work, which would be an early seven o’clock. Guess when I woke up finding myself awake with a weird 90˚ turn on the floor. At ELEVEN O’CLOCK. I missed breakfast along with several hours of valuable time. I had to finish about ten pages of math exercise and I can only have that finished after I filled up my stomach with calories to fuel my brain cells. Apparently, with Mom out at work and absolutely no ingredients for self-made lunch, I had no other options than to head out for a quick lunch.
Mom’s job at Seven-Eleven ends at three in the afternoon, and when she came back telling me that we are finally heading out for the long-missed Thai cuisine restaurant and a dinner with dad, I promptly hopped into my outdoor clothing and set off to meet Dad.
Have I ever mentioned that I love Thai cuisine? Well, I love Thai cuisine.
My number one ;D

Trust me, unless I was not feeling well, I would totally choose Thai cuisine over any other sort of exotic dishes. Thai food has that kind of… magic… to successfully blend four tastes out of five with little effort: salty, sour, sweet, and spicy (well, I guess spiciness is more like a sense of pain than a taste). Ten out of eight cases people cringe when saltiness and sweetness are combined in a dish, but it is never the truth for Thai cuisine. The morphing of the flavors, from sweet and salty to the coming strong sourness, accompanied by a blend of spices really is an orchestra for your taste buds. The spiciness was also exceptional. It made me sweat as if I had been running on a treadmill under the sun, but at the same time, it felt more refreshing than uncomfortable. It has been months since I’ve come to the most beloved Thai restaurant of mine, and when I stuff myself a mouthful of Thai-seasoned fried wings, my brains just…
Imploded. I didn’t mind if I was grinning like a fool, for I was with my mom, my dad, and what else can be more blissful than that?
All the lovely spicy sweet salty sour dishes that cheer me up like always.

The dinner really pulled at the two edges of my mouth up constantly. I had four servings of rice since every dish just went so well with rice in its own way, and I just had to have them all. How delightful can your life be if you can’t just eat all you want every once in a while?
Along the way, there, in fact, was some sad news…
We’ll be moving soon again.
My current home.

As you all may know, my mother takes care of my niece and nephew, Sophie and Aiden, and since they transferred school and are going to move to somewhere near Beitou, we have to move over there as well. For a student studying in Beitou, living there can have quite some promising perks, one of which includes longer sleeping hours and less commuting time, but at the same time, it also means that I will be leaving New Taipei City, a place where I have lived and studied in, for good. So long to my elementary school, middle school, and the friends and classmates. Farewell to my ex-best friend who was also my first crush (wait did I just say that??) and my cram school. I don’t know how much longer I have left to live in this place I’ve been calling home for a couple of years, and all my childhood friends seemed to all live around the place. Leaving means even less time have I to hang out with all them. Internet will come in handy in times like this where you desperately need to keep in touch with, but still, to its essence, it doesn’t feel as real as some face-to-face talking and smiling and some friendly hugs (I crave hugs a little too much, I admit.)
I mean, I certainly will miss this place. I happen to be someone who values memories and past vastly, and it is very hard to let go. Tomorrow we’ll set off on our trip to look for new houses-for-rent, and I doubt if it would feel the same.
I started reading books in my free time.
This is all for today.

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