Monday, July 9, 2018

Summer Vacation Day 9: Grandma and (Cliched) a Book

Hello, Tim!
This day, quite different from the previous ones, rained heavily.
I spent half of the day sleeping, and almost the other half at my grandmother’s house.

7/7, Saturday
I woke up at eleven.
Sounds very late, right?
No excuses, I just get very lazy during the holidays. Comparing to the days when I was in England, this kind of lazy lifestyle is definitely easier. :D
I didn’t stay for too long after I woke up since I was supposed to BE at my grandma’s by noon.
It was only cloudy when I set off, but who would guess that when I finally arrived at the metro station near to the destination, rain was practically pouring from the sky? I didn’t bring my umbrella with me, but it was fortunate for me because my aunt has already warned me about the rain and said my uncle would be waiting for me at the metro.
I spent the rest of the afternoon doing my math homework and watching the television.
Before I add some little things about after dinner, I want to first talk about the book I finished reading yesterday.
Lost in a Book, written by Jennifer Donnelly, is an installment set as an addition to the well-known Disney movie Beauty and the Beast. The author brilliantly avoided all the possible factors that will interfere with the original story. As an addition to the original story, I think the author did very well by using some of the lines that were in the movie, hence the added familiarity to the book and actually enhanced some characteristics to some characters who didn’t have much mention in the movie.
There was an enchanted black-covered book mentioned in the book, so I thought this could make a nice prop.

The book had quite nice and elegant a writing style, and there were also some new vocabulary for me to learn (as there always are) along with some French phrases (after all, the setting of the book was in France), and it amuses me when I could actually get the meaning without looking up the words or reading the ‘surreptitious’ translation that usually comes after the French phrase.
I liked this book quite much, and if given the chance, I would love to read another book from the author.
After dinner, my aunt and uncle gave me a ride back home, I rode the elevator upstairs, only to face my mom with the bad news: The house we were hoping to rent, was rented to someone else.
It was not like it was totally out of the blues, because like I said, I had a bad feeling about not getting the house, so except the bad feeling of not getting what is desired, I could only hope that we can find someplace nice for us. Soon.

This is all for today.

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